Vacation Hangovers

Yeah I've been back in town for a week now, and I am just barely getting my act together and returning to a rhythm. So apologies for being radio silent since my return.

The Devil's Own Concludes!

This Thursday the last webcomic page of the Devil's Own arc will post! BUT stay tuned for a small addendum on the 25th. I realized I left the DO story on a really crap moment and decided to write a brand new short story to bridge the gap between what happens in DO and what you may see in the future of the storylines!

All Legends Die (August First)

Don't fret regarding DO's ending! The next TOHS arc "All Legends Die" kicks off on August 1st!

There will be some front matter posting in the days preceding the first comic page, so lock in your RSS now!

Michael: The Cause

As I look through my source material, I realize I have less than three chapters to go before this first installment of the Michael Trilogy is concluded in Webcomic form!

Guess I better get cracking on Anger Management's website then. :P

No, I have time. Three chapters will take me the better part of a year I figure.

Summer Projects

Some things got advanced, but not nearly as much as I hoped!

  • Final edits on, prep for print for Michael: Relations. (In work!)
  • Finish writing (?) Michael: Saying No is Harder than it Sound (AAAAA the last YA with this cast)
  • Finish The Devil's Own and start prepping it for PDF on Gumroad.(All pages are complete. Still need to work the PDF.
  • Deepen the current buffer for All Legends Die before it goes live in August! (Weeellllll)

As usual, I've found ways to fill up the summer with two vacations plus trips to closer locations for various reasons!

This Week on Darwin Comics!

(Updates Monday)

Brave choices...

(Updates Thursdays)

Things are not Okay (and it's not okay)